Planthropy, LLC

Ann Meore


"The engagement of a person in gardening-related activities, facilitated by a trained therapist, to achieve specific treatment goals."

Horticultural Therapy uses the cultivation of plants and plant-related programs to heal, rehabilitate and improve the overall well being of the population it serves.  Often referred to as “the new health care tool,” horticultural therapy is effective in achieving therapeutic, rehabilitative and vocational outcomes.

Who does Planthropy serve:

• Medical facilities
• Hospice care settings
• Community centers
• Elder and child care programs
• Assisted living communities
• Long-term care facilities
• Educational settings & after-school groups

Planthropy offers an alternative modality to achieve cognitive, social, emotional and/or physical goals of the people we serve.  Our programs provide a myriad of horticultural activities that involve plants and nature related materials.  Planthropy cultivates the interaction between person & plant and designs it’s programming to meet the needs of its clients at all ages and ability levels.  Customized service is also available to complement existing programs.

Horticultural Therapy provides benefit in a variety of ways.

• Lowers blood pressure, reduces pain & lowers overall stress levels
• Provides a sensory experience which stimulates memory and creativity
• Provides opportunity for decision making and exercising choice
• Improves self-esteem & raises confidence levels
• Creates an arena for social skill development & nurturing friendships

Planthropy also offers Therapeutic Garden Design and Installation

For more information, contact Anne at  (845) 642-3012
